Workplace Training

Mental health first aid

Mental Health First Aid is the help provided to a person developing a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis. The first aid is given until appropriate professional treatment is received or until the crisis resolves.
This course teaches people how to provide initial support to others experiencing a mental health crisis or developing a mental health illness
The most common and disabling mental illnesses are depressive, anxiety, substance use and psychotic disorders. Mental illnesses problems are very common. In any one year about one in five adult Australians experience a mental illness problem. Many people suffer a mental illness for a long time before they seek help. Furthermore, alcohol and drug problems frequently occur with depression, anxiety and psychosis.
The course teaches the symptoms, causes and evidence-based treatments for: depression, anxiety disorders, and psychosis and substance use disorder. It also addresses the possible crisis situations arising from these mental health problems and steps to help. The crisis situations include a person who is feeling suicidal; a person having a panic attack; a person who has had a recent traumatic experience; a person who is acutely psychotic and perceived to be threatening violence; and a person who has overdosed
Situations covered
Mental health problems covered are

Physical First Aid

The emergency principles, knowledge & skills to provide initial care for illnesses & injuries to the physical body, until the arrival of medical support or the person recovers.
The aims of first aid

Nationally accredited training CPR Provide Basic Emergency Life Support Provide First Aid

Contents may cover (dependant on the course)

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) – suicide first aid

Suicide is one of the most daunting human tragedies and a serious public health problem. It is estimated that suicide affects the lives of six more people, including relatives, friends and work colleagues of the deceased.
There are approximately 900,000 suicides a year world-wide, and World Health Organization data show that suicide is now one of the three leading causes of death among people aged 15-34 years
Approximately 2000 Australians die from suicide every year. Men are 4 times more likely to die by suicide than women and they use more violent means generally to end their lives.
Participants in the training learn to recognise when someone may be at risk of suicide and respond in ways that help increase their immediate safety and link them to further help. This training aims to enhance a caregiver’s ability to help a person at risk avoid suicide

LivingWorks – Suicide Intervention Training

LivingWorks is a national Lifeline service aiming to create suicide safer communities by providing training to increase suicide awareness and/or prevent suicide.
A network of trainers across Australia can provide Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) or safeTalk training to equip individuals to help people at risk of suicide keep safe and access further support.
This training can be provided to family and friends, work and team mates, in professional or volunteering roles.

Emotionally intelligent first aid

Emotional Intelligence includes non-technical skills, abilities, and traits required to function in a specific employment environment. Emotional Intelligence is necessary to work effectively as a member of a team, to learn or acquire the technical skills necessary to perform a task, to inspire the confidence of supervisors and management, and to understand and adapt to the cultural norms of the workplace. Emotional Intelligence is regarded as an essential element.
Life skills in communication, interpersonal relationships, and problem-solving along with personal qualities such as self-esteem and motivation are critical for workforce productivity & personal effectiveness.
How do you respond to another person’s distress?
Every day people we know are faced with incidents, traumas and loss.
A loved one dies, a person is involved in car crash, a natural disaster occurs, the house burns down, a severe injury or illness – trauma is different for each person.
What do we say? What do we do?
How we respond to them may make a difference in how they recover & resume their normal activities such as returning to work.
It is the combination of your skills and abilities that enable you to accurately know your personal strengths and weaknesses, establish and maintain effective and healthy relationships, get along and work productively with others, and deal effectively and healthily with the demands and pressures of daily living.
Become an effective & supportive first responder. This also means taking care of your own emotional health.
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